Our Mission:

At Real Estate Learners, our mission is to provide accessible and comprehensive resources for those interested in real estate education. We believe that everyone should have the opportunity to learn about the ever-changing world of real estate, from beginners to seasoned professionals.

Our Team:

Our team is composed of experienced real estate agents, brokers, and educators who are passionate about sharing their knowledge with others. We continuously strive to provide high-quality and up-to-date content for our users.

1- Korey Coombs [ CEO]

Korey Coombs

  • Corey has over 15 years of experience as a real estate broker and educator. He is dedicated to providing valuable insights and guidance for those looking to enter the real estate industry.

2- Sarah Miller [Content Manager]

  • With a background in marketing and content creation, Sarah ensures that all the information on our website is accurate, relevant, and engaging for our users.

3- John Smith [Social Media Manager]

  • John oversees our social media presence and works to create a sense of community among our followers. He also keeps an eye out for any questions or feedback from our audience to ensure we are continuously improving.

4- Emily Jones [Graphic Designer]

  • Emily’s creative eye and design skills help bring our content to life, making it visually appealing and easier to understand.

5- Michael Johnson [IT Manager]

  • As the IT manager, Michael keeps our website running smoothly and ensures that our users have a seamless experience while navigating through our resources.

We are dedicated to providing a positive learning experience for all of our users and are committed to continuously improving and expanding our resources. Thank you for choosing Real Estate Learners as your go-to source for real estate education. Continue learning with us and stay ahead of the game in the ever-changing world of real estate!    

Our Vision:

Our vision is to be a leading platform for real estate education, providing valuable resources and fostering a community of learners who are dedicated to growing their knowledge in the industry. We aim to make real estate learning accessible, engaging, and relevant for all. Thank you for joining us on this journey. We look forward to helping you achieve your real estate learning goals.